
I write blogs ๐Ÿ˜„, and stuff

3D Mapping with LiDAR

3D Mapping with LiDAR

The current state of SLAM and some major problems with it

April 27, 2024

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Unseen Drifts in 3D Reconstruction

Unseen Drifts in 3D Reconstruction

The Search for Accuracy

April 27, 2024

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Prime React - The Hidden Gem
Author is working on this ๐Ÿค“

Prime React - The Hidden Gem

Discovering and using Prime React in Production

April 17, 2024

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Scaling Facial Recognition
Author is working on this ๐Ÿค“

Scaling Facial Recognition

Deploying FR with over 40K Faces on 2x8GB GPUs

March 1, 2024

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GGML and LLama.cpp

GGML and LLama.cpp

Playing around with GGML

February 25, 2024

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Kubeflow on EKS

Kubeflow on EKS

Setup Kubeflow on EKS with Scripts!

January 25, 2024

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LLM Optimization

LLM Optimization

Large Model Optimization on PyTorch

January 20, 2024

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ISTIO & KServe

ISTIO & KServe

Deploying with KServe on ISTIO

January 10, 2024

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Torchserve Canary Deployment

Torchserve Canary Deployment

Deploying Torchserve model over EKS using Canary Strategy

January 2, 2024

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Deploying Next.js Apps

Deploying Next.js Apps

How to deploy your Next.js apps on Vercel.

January 2, 2023

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